Dear ReadersPeople Who Stumbled Upon This Blog,
I have been absent (can you be absent when you haven't really got into a regular habbit yet?). There are both good and bad reasons for my silence. . .
The Good:
A vacation was had, enjoyed and relaxed on. 7 Days of heaven in Samoa, reading plenty of books, melting from my lounger into the sea, and I found Nemo!!!, hung out with Mamakat, and generally got absorbed into the culture and warmth of the islands. . .

The Bad:Post vacation I had a stay in hospital... no I didn't catch anything nasty from drinking the water or from any large (or small) Samoan men. The hemaglobin and iron bottomed out of my bloodstream and I was left running on empty. Big time, I had zero energy, I couldn't walk more than a few meters without feeling light-headed or dizzy and my motivation had reached an all time low. In hindsight, this wasn't a new problem, and I had been feeling run down for a while, however me being me I refused to stop and listen to my body so it stopped me...bugger! Thanks to the anonymous donors, who have since topped me up with some red stuff! I am feeling healthier already and getting back on track slowly. . .
I have to say I felt a little bit like a vampire or Sookie Stackhouse, my transfusion started at 1am and I was wheeled (in bed) through the hospital from ED to ward largely in the dark. . .

Needless to say I have returned (: